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Why Reposting on Instagram Can Be So Powerful

by | Social Media

There’s no secret to going viral. It’s not like you can reproduce a certain number of steps to guarantee that your post goes viral. It’s often the simplest of ideas that end up going viral, leading us to wonder why we hadn’t thought of that. There’s no point in dwelling over that since you can’t go into the past and change it. Ripping off the idea entirely would reflect badly on the brand so doing that is out of the question as well.

Reposting is thus a great way to extract some value for your brand from a piece of content that’s doing exceptionally well. It’s a genuine approach to showing appreciation for the hard work and creativity of others while recognizing its potential and highlighting it on your own platform to extract additional value from it.

A good Instagram strategy requires high-quality content. There’s no way to circumvent that. Only high-quality content can ensure a higher rate of engagement for your content and provide a good chance of going viral. However, that’s easier said than done. Furthermore, it’s also time-consuming and requires resources. It’s impossible to hit the nail on the head all the time, which is why reposting content that your audience is already engaging with can be a great strategy.

How does reposting work on Instagram?

Instagram does offer a native reposting feature but it’s limited in its ability. You can use it to repost others’ posts and Reels on your Instagram Story. Reposting other users’ content to any permanent part of your profile such as feed or videos is not allowed.

Simply put, this means that Instagram lets you repost content from other users for only 24 hours, but if you’d like to keep it around permanently you could add it to an Instagram Story Highlight. Do keep in mind that content from only public profiles can be reposted.

Find the paper airplane symbol on that post which will then bring up a pop-up menu that has an “Add post to your story” option. You’re given the option to either show or hide the caption from the original post in addition to adding any stickers, hashtags, or texts that you may want to include. The reposted content can then be shared on your story.

Reposting content on Instagram has many benefits

Reposting content that users are already engaging with is a great way to improve interactions with your followers on Instagram. There already tends to be more engagement from people with brands on the social network. By providing them with more relevant content to interact with, you can ensure that your audience remains engaged with the brand on Instagram.

User generated content (UGC) tends to perform very well for brands. It’s no secret that people base their online purchase decisions on what other customers say about a product. Reposting UGC enables you to put positive testimonials from your customers front and center. So even if an entirely new lead discovers your Instagram for the first time, they’ll instantly find out how your product or service has made someone’s life better.

Reposting is often entirely just to get in on a silly online trend that’s making waves on the internet. Whether it’s a sound on Instagram Reels that’s going viral or a funny meme that everybody can’t stop talking about, reposting content based on what’s hot on the internet is also a great way to endear your brand to followers.

A humorous post that leverages those trends can do wonders for the brand’s exposure. Since that trending content is already getting a lot of eyeballs, brands can essentially piggyback off of that to expand their reach and elevate their brand awareness. This is a strategy that requires a delicate touch since it can often be difficult to execute it properly. When it’s done correctly, it can reap significant dividends.

Instagram reposting tips to follow

Always seek permission

When reposting user generated content, it’s always good to approach the original creator for permission, even though it isn’t always explicitly required. It’s a measure of courtesy that should be extended since it’s entirely possible that the creator may not want their photos or videos being shared.

Reach out through direct messages or even by leaving a simple comment on their post to let them know that you intend to share their content. Most users would be happy to provide it. This ensures that your brand saves itself from any embarrassment down the line if the original creator were to call out and say they never gave permission and would like for their reposted content to be taken down by the brand.

Don’t edit the original content

The content that’s being reposted should be left in its original form. Never edit the photo or change the caption. Usually there’s going to be enough space when reposting to your Story to add your own spin on the content, whether through text, sticker, emoji, etc.

This ensures that the original creator gets due recognition for the content that they’ve created. It doesn’t feel that the brand would like to change things around in their content. It should always be reposted in its original form.

Repost from a variety of accounts

It’s possible that one of your customers creates the best content but always reposting content from one single account isn’t going to look good to all of your followers. There should be a reasonable variety in the source accounts for the content that you repost.

This will ensure that your followers get to see different styles of content and won’t feel fatigued by seeing the same kind of content from the same creator every single time. It will also provide other creators with the opportunity of being featured on the official brand account, thus making them more likely to create additional content with the sole aim of being featured on the brand’s account.

Instagram reposting should never be just about selling products

Your Instagram reposting efforts shouldn’t always be seen to be selling products. There needs to be a subtle balance in all of it. Highlight user generated content periodically to showcase how your products help improve lives but don’t make it the entire crux of this strategy.

Keep an eye on trending and viral topics. Take a humorous approach and just have some fun with it. Customers don’t always want a serious vibe from the brands they follow on Instagram. Show them an entirely different side that endears the brand to them. That’s the key to long-term sustained engagement on the social network.


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