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How to Create a Marketing Plan for Growth in Any Economy

How to Create a Marketing Plan for Growth in Any Economy

In today's dynamic business landscape, mastering the art of crafting a marketing plan that thrives in any economic condition is essential. This guide offers a strategic approach to developing a marketing plan that is not only adaptable to changing economic climates...

7 Powerful Ways AI Will Impact Your Marketing Strategy in 2024

7 Powerful Ways AI Will Impact Your Marketing Strategy in 2024

The future is here - artificial intelligence is transforming marketing in major ways. By 2024, AI is projected to enable marketers to boost productivity by up to 40%. Harnessing AI now will future-proof your marketing strategy and provide a distinct competitive...

7 Marketing Metrics Every Business Should Track to Drive Growth

7 Marketing Metrics Every Business Should Track to Drive Growth

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, marketing metrics play a pivotal role in deciphering the effectiveness of your strategies. To drive growth and stay ahead of the competition, businesses need to be armed with the right data and insights. In this...

5 Ways AI Will Change Marketing In 2023

5 Ways AI Will Change Marketing In 2023

AI is already transforming the marketing landscape, and it's only going to become more pervasive in the years ahead. In 2023, we can expect AI to play an even bigger role in shaping how companies market their products and services. From personalization to automation,...